Our big news of the month is the release of our founder’s testimony, filmed by One For Israel and Chosen People Ministries. This is one of 50 life stories of Jewish people coming to know Jesus that are being watched and shared by millions of people around the world.
Spread the Word - Share the Video
- This video is being released TODAY and we need your help. We need you to watch it, and to go on social media and share it. The best way to do this is to go to facebook.com/oneforisrael, find his video near the top and click on the Share button. Just write a quick note to accompany it that explains why you’re sharing it. If you have trouble finding it (for instance, you’re reading this a while after it was written) you can always visit I Met Messiah.
- Please do this right now and help accelerate the story so that it catches fire! This has already happened with one story with over 5 million views. It’s not about fame – we simply want to get the Gospel to as many people as possible! Video testimonies of Jewish believers are very powerful to both Jew and Gentile.
- You will see how effective these tools are, as we help the worldwide Jewish community see how Jewish the Gospel truly is. Jesus is Jewish, his original disciples were Jewish, the Scriptures are Jewish…. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob wants to use all of us to reach all the world!
- Without the Gospel, there is no hope. We are grateful for your agreement and faithful prayer and financial partnership. Together, we are joining Jesus in seeking and saving the lost!